Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Zombie Rats

Zombie Rats in Virginia. Do They Exist?

 Zombie rats? What could cause such a  behavior?   Are “domestic” rats deranged or denatured? They look scary indeed but how can they effect humans?

How Does the Zombie Rat Effect Humans? 

 While the disease typically infects smaller mammals like cats and rats, toxoplasma can live inside humans as well. In fact, around 33% of people in developed countries are carriers of toxoplasma. That’s 1 in 3 people! For the most part, the disease remains latent, meaning it causes no symptoms — most people don’t know they have it. But for those with serious cases or compromised immune systems, treatment is needed. Toxoplasmosis is a disease that results from infection with the Toxoplasma gondii parasite, one of the world's most common parasites. Infection usually occurs by eating undercooked contaminated meat, exposure from infected cat feces, or mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy.

Check out this YouTube video about Zombie Rats.


What about the Naked Mole Rat?

  Naked mole-rats are the longest living rodent, living many times longer than other rodents. They have been known to live as long as 30 years! Experts have found at least two reasons for this. First, naked mole rats have an especially high amount of the protein that gets rid of damaged proteins in the cells. This keeps their cells healthy longer. They also have a "super sugar" molecule that prevents their cells from overcrowding and forming malignant tumors.

 Naked mole-rats dig tunnel and chamber systems around large plants with underground tree roots. They spend the majority of their lives underground where their tunnels stay around 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Naked mole-rats are able to survive with little to no oxygen underground and will only surface occasionally to search for seeds or plants.

Roof Rats in Virginia 


Common signs of roof rat activity

  • Visual sightings on power lines, trees, bushes, patios, roofs, etc.
  • Hollowed citrus and other fruit
  • Rat droppings
  • Noises in the attic and walls
  • Gnawing sounds and gnaw marks around roof eaves
  • Damage to plastics and coverings on electrical wires
  • Unsettled pets


Controlling an Active Rodent Population in Your Home

Seal-Up! A mouse needs a hole about the size of a nickel, a rat needs a hole about the size of a silver dollar to enter you home. Without a pest-exclusion service, you may have a difficult time controlling a rat or mouse infestation. Pest-Exclusion services by Universal Pest & Termite.
Trap-Up!The are a couple of options for eliminating an active rodent infestation. Using store-bought traps may remove a few rats or mice but are you really solving the problem? Leave this one to the professionals. Improper placement or size of a rodent trap can be a mistake.
Clean-Up! This step is a big one when dealing with rats or mice. Because rodents are known for leaving a mess behind you need a plan to clean up after. This could mean contaminated insulation removal, air duct cleaning and especially a sanitize treatment to all contaminated areas. Up to 30% of the air you breathe comes from your attic and crawl space.

Call Universal Pest & Termite at 757-502-0200

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